Tuesday, October 31, 2006
hAppY HaLLowEEn everybody!!booyah! haha...i LOVE halloween!! [except this country doesnt give a damn to celebrate it ):]trick or treating anyone? haha i think im gonna go arnd to ask(: if they look too shocked, ah well its ok haha... I WANNA BE VAMPIRE! *whines* haha i realy DO wish i could hv a real spooky costume, and....and....there could be HALLOWEEN!! *sniffs* i wanna......haha okok....guess wat? yesterday i stayed up to watch episodes 16, 17 and 18 of GOONG! yes, im a fanatic, and determined to complete watching before i embark on that stupid trip! *inspired tone* yepp. and im gonna watch it all! mwahahaha.... [i just watched episode 19!] haha gonna watch later, except now my sis is watching episode 22. [everyone's ahead of me ):] yea..GOONG!and to add to that dreaded list i posted yesterday of wat im gonna miss out while on that trip:5) i'll miss INUYASHA and SHAMAN KING! [omg..i dun wanna live anymore...][heys, i think im gonna go there shop for christmas presents!] haha okok..think this will be my last post now...till 5th nov, when we will meet again! [okok..i lame...] lost; blur; hurt was brought to life at 2:46 PM
Monday, October 30, 2006
YEAH!! got new blogskin! haha nice nice? say yes... okok..at first i hv some problem with it ya..but its kinda resolved le(: yeah i think maybe its kinda squeezed for some parts. ok so im NOT that an expert with codes k?? aiya my archives ar...dunno wat happened so im jus leaving it under peanie (my pet!) haha...hmm...at least better than my previous bloskin la...dunno wat happen to it leh...so scary...I jus watched GOONG episodes 13, 14 and 15! yea! but sadly i hv to return e cds to my tuition teacher on sat and guess wat? yup, my stupid overseas trip.and i only hv tmr to watch as many episodes as i can ): ah wells...this overseas has proved to be not good leh...let me go down e list...1) i'll miss class outing. [so sad rite? I WANNA GO!!]2) i'll miss np on friday. [3rd nov also]3) i'll miss GOONG! [okok hv cd but look at e next..]4) i will not have enough time to watch e rest of e GOONG episodes!! [how?? tmr must surely rush liao...]yepp.that's wat this trip will cause me to miss.. *sniffs* and if there is some more, you'll know my heart will break... [haha jus kidding la...] >.< lost; blur; hurt was brought to life at 9:45 PM
Saturday, October 28, 2006
Wah Lao........wat stupid blog lohrr!! wat stupid advertisement-sorta-thingy keep showing up hor...stupid!! TAO YAN!! hais....wat in e world went wrong?? heck im so gonna kill myself if this doesnt get any better......ARGHH!! lost; blur; hurt was brought to life at 10:09 PM
Thursday, October 26, 2006
Arghh! Now class outing change to next friday, i can't make it liao! Bcos of my Bangkok trip...haiz..now oso cnt change e air ticket cos it would cost me 30 BUCKS.....hais was really looking forward to spending a fun time with e class and now wat? i cnt go....Wahhhahhhahh......its just so sad.... *sniff sniff* and i hv to wait till 17 nov jus to meet em again...and i guess some ppl will also not be in sch on that day...Haha today is e second time of this two weeks huier has asked me why i no tie hair. Is my hair that long? Ok so its becoming kinda bothering....should i cut hair again?? Haha......huier i promise you a ponytail on 17 nov! You jus hv to be in sch to see! haha sm for e rest of you guys! >.<Good Charlotte! Haha okie its kinda an 'old' song but its nice(:before this was Every Heart by Boa...japanese....sorta frm inuyasha too :D haha.. lost; blur; hurt was brought to life at 9:35 PM
Wednesday, October 25, 2006
By the way, HAPPY BIRTHDAY HUI ER! :D lost; blur; hurt was brought to life at 11:57 AM
I GUESS I know why they always seem to hv smthing against me. Its bcos i'm always (yes, really.if not you can say almost) around whenever they complain to each other or themselves. Ya, and wen they are complaining/referring to us three, I'll ALWAYS be around and then they direct their gazes to ME. And then they COMPLAIN to ME, like as if i was the one at all fault.like as if I was e one responsible for all that hv happened. And I hv to take in all e crap! They just, start to take it all out on me! Like as if i'm a sponge, always ready to absorb all their problems as they say them out loud. I'm so SICK and TIRED. ME! ME! ME! EVERYTHING MUST BE ME!! And then wat? They start to look at me, like as if i'm some HATED OBJECT, like as if i'm some trash. (ok i gotta admit i AM trash, yes.) Then theystart to dislike me. ALWAYS MUST BE ME. What the blood* f**king hell is their problem??! I no feelings ar? SH*T! [and the swearing goes on...] ya. HOW I WISH i can just be away frm this hse --NoT HOME--, just this chance to be away frm this stupid sick family. Hah. No one loves me in this sad pathetic family. But who cares? I always feel this anger and sadness in me anyway. No diff. Just living my life, filled with lies people hv told me, and those I hc told. Just waiting till the day i die. Don't expect much of myself, let alone my life. I'll just live, so all of you can live on me.so all of you can suck the living hell out of me.so all of you can feed on me. What am I? A lifeless freak THING.
[and i guess i'm proud of it.yup.]
lost; blur; hurt was brought to life at 11:39 AM
Sunday, October 22, 2006
YIPPEEE!!! YIPPIEE YIPPIEE YAYA........YAY!! Caught e episodes i missed!! --finally. Ya lor! Yesterday i stayed up till 3am just to watch episode1 and some others i watched before, cos yesterday went out till very late mah..and today I watch again episodes 5 and 10! :D Ya Huh....I watched the episodes I missed......... (sing song manner) so happy! (:Oh ya did i tell you all? Yesterday my tuition teacher was so kind enough to lend me her GOONG set of cds! Wah so happy...but i still try my best to catch those on tv de..cos e cds no english subtitles): but i THINK i more or less understand wats going on..oh ya I'M GONNA HAVE TO MISS GOONG THREE EPISODES AGAIN........ cos 1st to 4th november going to Bangkok...No Fair!! My precious dear GOONG....i'll miss you ever so dearly....Haiz.....and you know wat else i noticed? On internet it is said that there is only 24 episodes of GOONG right? Well, yes but for e CDs.....cos you know hor, every episode on e cd is more than one hour.so also cannot fit in e one hour timeslot on Channel U...some more hv advertistments.....so very hard to catch up on e cds cos i dunno which part exactly they show everytime....so its mah fan but actually i'm kinda well, relieved that there is more than 24 episodes shown on tv! Yeah! lost; blur; hurt was brought to life at 5:59 PM
Saturday, October 21, 2006
ARRGHH!!! YESTERDAY COULDN'T CATCH GOONG!! and why? cos of stinking cca!! Wahlao......That's It!! I've had enough!! I'm so gonna borrow e cd to watch episodes 1, 5 and yesterday's, BY HOOK OR BY CROOK.....AIYA.........my neighbour return back to her friend liao...but That will NOT put me down.and yes, i am determined. *inspired tone* [i'm so in love with that show! >.<]haha yesterday hv problem posting again..dunno why lah...and yesterday (ok so its technically today) i stayed up till 2am! ok its crazy but i was on com, as no other time to use it mah...so use at night lohr! Okok..........I also love teen titans!!
Haha okie so i learnt smthing yesterday.frm mr choo during npcc. you all know that 'sHiT' is kinda a bad word rite? well yesterday he said that word and e unit gasped.so what he said? Get ready for a good laugh.
S.H.I.T = Sugar Honey Ice Tea
lost; blur; hurt was brought to life at 12:18 PM
Thursday, October 19, 2006
WAHHHH......SO SHIOK LEH!!! haha i just watched GOONG....Beautiful! Splendid! Out of this world (well ok so its not so that..)! [french accent] Uh huh! yesterday and today's episodes chao1 ji2, super duper nice leh...funny AND uh...romantic?? Ok i love all! YEAH!! Its just so nice...but only have 24 episodes leh (i think)...so sad! *sobs a little* So nice this show you know wat? Everytime i rush thru dinner to watch it! hehe...fanatic...just like for inuyasha i stay up till so late... :D Wanna catch it tmr but i scared cnt..cos tmr got stinking cca....arghh! surely come back so late de and then sis will definitely want to watch Smallville..sianz lohr......boooooo....... stupid tmr still hv cca....tmr holiday-for-dunno-wat-reason leh! HOW CAN LIKE THIS?? (ok so i drama queen...) pray dad WILL pick me up.............Whoa-k! Back to yesterday...aiya yesterday this bloggy thing of mine hv prob so cnt post..but lucky todae can(: Let's get started! I know alotsa ppl hv write abt this but...i also wanna write! *sticks out tongue* okok...u see hor, yesterday is Day Of Reflection ya.yup and i tot, Whole day do wat? Surely will be boring de ah... BUT! it was nice...especially towards e end..yes alot of ppl hv cried and i gotta admit.. *shuffles feet* i cried too...yepp you got that right! BooHoo uh huh...and i told a friend smthing i hv always wanted to tell but was afraid i would burst out in tears (but in e end i also did lah).. i couldnt believe i had done that myself, but i definitely felt better after i did so.. AND BIANCA HUGGED ME!!! i was like...overjoyed! I couoldn't really believe it was happening..or that it had happened.. No words could hv described that feeling...it was like a dream come true..cos bianca said she didnt really like hugs but she sacrificed, and conquered her fear for that time, for me.and for all of us. [i'm so moved!] *sniffs* what a great friend.what a great and brave friend.she did that for us....Thanks Bianca! :)GOONG SONG! ok i think its same with gwen's cos she gave me e code :D hehe....>ok i found it too and changed it to playing continuously! >.<>
lost; blur; hurt was brought to life at 8:19 PM
Monday, October 16, 2006
sometimes i really wish i could just disappear.disappear from this world.then no one would have to take in my nonsense anymore.then no one would have to see my stupid sickening face and suffer just talking to me anymore.then the whole world would rejoice.then the whole world would be overjoyed.then everyone would have a burden off their shoulders.then no one would have to worry whether i'm alive or not.and then there will be one less mouth to feed.one less stupid person people will have to face.yes.i am nothing but trouble.
Everytime i look at one particular person, i feel this pain in my heart, that she and i would never make it that far. no matter how hard i try, this awful feeling would just simply refuse to leave.and oh how my heart aches!
i guess its because of this, then now i find that there is nothing to smile about.of course there are other stuff but heck! i see her almost everyday and...and...still i feel this hopelessness in me...
And..and....now i'm like, tired with life.all seems weary.i'm weary.and you would notice how i'm not talking that much anymore.there is simply nothing for me to talk about.and i do find myself daydreaming more easily.like everything is happening and i can just stare off to space, mind blank, oblivious to all that is happening around me.sometimes i do think that if anyone would just leave me alone, with the com, daily needs, tv and my beloved bed, i think it would be enough for me.cos now everybody so happy, all want to talk and chatter.but i'm not and am not in e 'mood' of talking, so i do think i'm a drag to the others.but there is still school.there is still life to live, no matter what i went, go and will go through.and i DO know i have to live life to its fullest.but like i said.i'm weary.tired.
and so i pray i will have the strength to continue this life i lead.and i do know i will forever be friendless.why? because i know i will never be able to make them happy.because i know that they will never be happy with me.because i know i'm never and will never be good enough for everyone.anyone.'cause i know everytime i will screw up in one way or another.hopeless.that's me.
lost; blur; hurt was brought to life at 6:30 PM
Friday, October 13, 2006
Wah..today is e second friday the 13th of e year..and this time it aint good man..you know hor, last time e earlier friday 13th this year was like, wahh...so shiok..so shuang...very good day you know! Aiya and now, BAD LUCK! you noe hor, yesterday, friday 13th EVE, got one soccer ball hit my nose upwards leh! I was so angry, i swore that i would beat that person who kicked e soccer ball into a pulp, she'd wish her dad's sperm had not reached her mum's egg at all! (ok im disgusting but at least something new and more accurate right? Not like e same old "like she'd wish she were never born"..) Yeah..either a faithian or hopian..sec1 de..SHE'D BETTER WATCH OUT........
Oh ya, where was I? Oh and today....ok today i was e only one who wore class tee to sch (black sheep lah.and i mean black.class tee black mah..).SOO enbarrassing rite? Wah lao lor...but even so, if i had worn pe shirt hor, e pe department would hv wanted to punish us de....but halilujah! They did not make our class run three rounds round the track! Haha! Yeah! thank god...Ai yo...and den hor, e bridge for sing to e dawn musical nearly collapsed and fall apart before and during the play lah..but thank god again, it held out thru e rest of our presentation! haha...WE ARE SAVED! (as in mei2 you3 diu1 lian3 lah...haha..) Oh ya! I just walked right into a wall..A CONCRETE WALL! EDGE! my gosh...can this day get any worse...but luckily....aye? NO baluku leh!! Wah...haha! So happy! This day actually proved to be one of e days im actually proud of! God Loves Me! (ok i dunno if its right to just say this but i really thank god for making things not eem so bad afterall..haha..oh well..oh well! :D im gonna catch inuyasha tonite again! oh ya shaman king also not bad leh..beggining to watch e entire hour of anime..hais...no wonder so tired la..haha..ok signing off now.. (:
lost; blur; hurt was brought to life at 9:20 PM
Wednesday, October 11, 2006
hey yo ppl! here is e lyrics for iuyasha song! (and translation too) hope its not wrong lah..hehe..
I Am Lyrics
Song Description:2nd Opening Song
Romaji Lyrics
sagasou yume no KAKERA hiroiatsume
setsunakute mo ima nara sagaseru darou
mekurumeku mainichi no katachi kaete
setsunakute mo tashika na ima o kanjiyou
mikake yori mo tanjun de dakedo tsutaekirenakute
iitai KOTO wa itsumo POKETTO ni shimatteru NE
kodomojimita KOTO nante ima sara ienai
toki ga kaiketsu suru to ka yuu kedo wakariaezuni
24 (nijuuyo) jikan kimi o shinjiteru yo
mitsumeteru yo arifureta kotoba demo
toki wa itsumo isogi ashi de warau
omoide yori motometai ima o mitsukeyou
ugokidasanakya hajimannai nayamidasu to tomerannai
hitoyo kagiri no yume ni amaete itaku wa nai shi
otome CHIKKU na negai mo sono mama okizari
ai ga subete SA bokura no jidai wa koko kara
sora o tsukinuketeku tori mitai ni NE
oozora mau IMEEJI ga ugokidasu
arukou michi wa tooku tsuzuku keredo
itsu no ma ni ka kagayakidasu DAIYAMONDO
24 (nijuuyo) jikan kimi o shinjiteru yo
mitsumeteru yo arifureta kotoba demo
toki wa itsumo isogi ashi de warau
omoide yori motometai ima o mitsukeyou
sagasou yume no KAKERA hiroiatsume
setsunakute mo ima nara sagaseru darou
mekurumeku mainichi no katachi kaete
setsunakute mo tashika na ima o kanjiyou
English Translation
Let's search for and gather the shards of dreams
Even if we're sad, we can probably still find them now,
changing the shape of the brightly turning tomorrow.
Even if we're sad, let's feel the sure present.
It's simpler than it looks, but I can't tell it all.
I'm always putting what I want to say away in my pocket.
I can't say things with childlike plainess now.
It's said that time settles all, but without understanding--
I believe in you 24 hours a day
I stare wide-eyed, even at common words
Time is always laughing on its swift feet
Let's find a present we want to look for more than memories.
If we don't move, we can't start. If we worry, we can't stop.
I don't want to be coddled by dreams of this world's limits.
A maiden's cheeky wish is left behind as it is.
Love is everything. Our era starts from here.
Like a bird cutting through the sky,
the image dancing in the great sky begins to move
Let's walk -- the road goes on for long, but
it'll shine like a diamond before we know it.
I believe in you 24 hours a day
I stare wide-eyed, even at common words
Time is always laughing on its swift feet
Let's find a present we want to look for more than memories.
Let's search for and gather the shards of dreams
Even if we're sad, we can probably still find them now,
changing the shape of the brightly turning tomorrow.
Even if we're sad, let's feel the sure present.
lost; blur; hurt was brought to life at 10:23 PM
Monday, October 09, 2006

ooh...this is inuyasha! haha..this is also e picture from which bianca drew and gave to me, e other time i was talking about! heh..really hen3 xiang4 leh! Ok no one's perfect but you should really see it (: ask me to show you all if you all wanna see bianca's masterpiece..haha! You'd be amazed...captivated...mesmerized! Uh huh i will put up some more pictures of inuyasha again some time soon! haha...
lost; blur; hurt was brought to life at 10:31 PM
hello people! wah..today hv alot of adventures hor..haha..but not as many as other days definitely..haha but here's wat happened today :D ok...you know sharlyn, me, bianca and huier go sch tgth rite? well sadly today huier had to be in sch earlier cos hv to rehearse for sing to e dawn musical..oh well.. yup sharlyn's mom and her cute cute little baby (toddler) sister like always go on same train as her to yio chu kang mrt station since we started goin to sch in afternoons.ya very cute de..haha.. See hor, today on train there was these 2 secondary girls (i think frm cheung cheng high/yishun, i dunno).they were talking talking talking la..den after dat they notice sharlyn's sister looking at them thru e glass/plastic (but i think they use plastic cos they niao la), you noe, e one where u can lean against wen standing up? ya..and you know wat they said? (In Chinese) "Aye? actually she very cute leh.." and they even started plying with her in e sense dat they 'twinkle twinkle little star' with her..and jus before we were getting down, one of em showed her handphone to sharlyn's sister and even let her touch it! haha..so funny, bianca and i kept looking at each other and grinning/smiling like mad...heh...but good lah..at least i think those two girls are nice nice ppl...
yay...today got back tingxie :) got 86! yeah! haha..studied very hard leh..but o course not as good as last time...i think hor, wen given more time to study for tingxie, i would not freak out so easily and score better leh.. :D haha...gdgd!
today very qiao leh..uh huh..really coincedental leh today.. me and bianca today got same marks for all our three sci papers! Not only that, both of us got same marks for each paper (but not same marks for same paper la..)! One paper of hers and anth paper of mine got 17/20 (her physics and i got dat for chem), anth is 14.5/2o(hers was chem paper while mine was bio) and anth was 14/20(mine's physics and hers, bio). SOO shiok rite? haha..yay! most likely get A1 liao.. XD heh..soo happy! wah..think for this term we both get same mark la...earlier this term we also both got 18/20 for chem! :D But only for this term la..cos her sci better den me de..oh well..better then nothing rite? heh..this like miracle or smthing..but I'M LOVIN' IT! (ok so im definitely NOT doin advertisement for MacDonalds..haha..)
haha..just had a really big dinner! Oh well..today so full..mum cooked porridge for me but honestly i had to force it down my bloated tummy.. Heh..gotta go den!
lost; blur; hurt was brought to life at 7:33 PM
Sunday, October 08, 2006
Arrgh! Yesterday have high fever (actually while typing yesterday's post i already felt sick)! Have headache and very tired lor..but i managed to catch I Not Stupid2! haha..that show not bad lah..and guess wat? I ate banana slices and marshmallows dipped in melted fountain chocolate too...even while i was sick!haha..couldn't resist leh...so yummy..mmm.. But luckily today's temperature dropped alot leh..like as if i didnt hv fever at all.. Hmm..maybe its because i slept for around 11 to 11 and half hours.or maybe cos i took medicine.or maybe cos i took temp in car..hehe.. bianca was like my mommy yesterday and today..hehe..she asked me wat was my temp thrice (which reminded me to take temperature.if not i wouldn't have remembered), told me to drink more water...haha..really appreciate her concern..and reminders too!
Earlier today i tried to go on internet but cnt leh..hv smthing wrong with internet explorer so couldnt well..access lohr..oh well..but now can! (: haha... still loving inuyasha song..dun plan to change for a long long time..hehe..
(( dunno how to do maths! ))
lost; blur; hurt was brought to life at 8:04 PM
Saturday, October 07, 2006
WHOOPIE! I FINALLY GOT INUYASHA THEME SONG! Well..it was e closest i could get on iwebmusic.. :D enjoy! I LOVE INUYASHA!!! Catch it on art central every wed to fri, 11pm! Haha..and i encourage you guys to watch it again..hehe.. XD
lost; blur; hurt was brought to life at 6:06 PM
YAY! TODAY NO TUITION! haha..got past it cos i argue that since my sis can dun go to sch cos her chinese paper over liao, i also can skip tuition.anyway my tests ALL over liao ma haha..yay! But next week hv to go back...pooie..just washed finish shoes...so dirty..once every three weeks hv to do it de cos rotate e duty aroud me and my siblings...same for doing dishes and mopping floor but dishes are a daily basis. Aiya and every week hv to change bedsheets...PoOiE!
Haha later goin downstairs to celebrate mooncake festival...AND BURN THINGS DOWN! haha no la..just hope my mom finds e lanterns she kept in e storeroom before my cousins come..but not all sadly ):
Hey ya noe hor, these few days i had really weird dreams leh...ok start from here.. Cos wednesday start afternoon session for school rite? Den me, sharlyn, bianca and hui er go to school together. Well e next day also same, go school together. On wed night, i had a dream (actually hv a few but i only remember one hehe). I dreamt that we four were on e train, same scene as i remembered on wed and when we asked each other wad time we slept the day before (wed.apparently i dreamt it was already thurs), i dreamt bianca said 1.30am. (cos i slept at 2 so i figured it out that she slept earlier den me) Well, on thurs, i asked bianca wat time she slept on wed. She said one plus. Then i told her my very weird dream. And she asked me if i was psychic, cos she slept AROUND 1.30AM!!! So i was like..WOW..weird huh?? Psychic? I do hope i am and was always one..cos its SOO COOL! It would be extreme nice if you had super powers you know..but i think i would rather have Paige's (from e series: Charmed) power..ORBING! HOW COOL IS THAT?! haha..but fat hope la..i aint blessed with those kinds of powers..just an ordinary ol' schoolgirl (not yet officially a teen but yup..19December people! haha) with ordinary yet super irritating and inevitable horrid problems....must be watching too much of that show! haha...well, on wednesday too, bianca gave me a super super really extremely early nice and pretty present! Guess wat? She drew my beloved inuyasha on a piece of paper for me! And trust+believe me, it looks like a work of a master! Whoo! And she gave me something else too but i aint gonna tell..mwahahahaha.. but it was real pretty! (ok if you see it you wouldnt classify it as pretty but it is to me!) THANKS ALOT BIANCA! >.<
lost; blur; hurt was brought to life at 5:10 PM
Thursday, October 05, 2006
well..today's e last test of e year! so happy..and got back history and maths paper..i love my maths paper (not really) but more den history la..i think i do bad bad for history leh..oh well..
Today was horrid. HORRID, TERRIBLE, FREAKISH, YOU NAME IT. That stupid-big-fat-bully-who-always-wants-everything-and-anything-her-way-or-she-would-smack-and-hit-and-punch-and-make-your-life-miserable-till-you-die-and-give-in-to-her-which-i-obviously-can't-ta-han-but-have-no-choice-however-i-swear-i-will-take-revenge-and-she-will-have-a-taste-of-her-own-medicine-unless-i-don't-live-long-enough. phew! wadda long sentence! anyways, yes, its dat stinking demonish devilish monstrous sister (?)(dun wan to know her and live with her and her nonsencical crap anymore). Torture time whenever she's around people! You'll never know how much i hv to go thru all these years unless you are me. Its just how amazing i can pull thru her rule, awful-rule-jus-bcos-she-think-she-eldest-den-can-abuse-all-mankind. No im not bluffing.she literally tries to control everything, in e hse, etc. SHiT hER cos i will find a way to make her suffer but i will definitely do it in secret cos everybody's telltale and if she knew watever i would do to her my plans would fail and when she becomes cautious it would be hard for me then.yes evil is brewing in my mind but its in e house anyway so it would be considered self-defence too! (its true btw cos its pay back time) Just like mr tan today say smthing abt a country where one of e rules(laws) state dat if one shoots smone in a hse, they can argue as self-defencewhereas only if you shoot smone outside e hse, residential property of yours, den you would be charged with murder. Anyway, bah..she aint nice to talk abt AT ALL.jus talk abt her cos she made my blood boil/made me angry/made me so frustrated/made me so upset/etc etc...
Oh ya...I GOT 'FALLEN' TODAY! Evanesecnce ruleS! haha..been in love with it ever since bianca lent me hers...Ya noe hor, weeks ago i actually saw e last piece, album, at sunplaza de.den i couldnt buy cos my mom asked me to buy smthing else so i was praying, hoping it would not be bough by someone else..den i was so lucky today! NOBODY SNATCHED IT UP! ok so it came out quite a long time ago.im outdated, yup.haha..But, LOVELY! SPLENDID! ahh....feel so at ease now....gonna catch my beloved inuyasha again! haha..
Hai...yesterday stayed up till 2am jus to study for tingxie..but dun think i can do as well as last time la...didn learn chengyu dis time..hehe..but managed to catch inuyasha in between..today very tired but i will stay up! haha..
lost; blur; hurt was brought to life at 8:02 PM
Tuesday, October 03, 2006

YAY!!! I'VE GOT E NEW EVANESCENCE CD!! haha..not bad though i do think i prefer her last time album 'Fallen'..hehe.. i love Call Me When You're Sober :) Biggie fan, as you can see..so today go down to HMV with bianca and belinda and got it! Today is e release date mah..lucky dun hv to pester e management for it:) Its cover is very pretty ya noe! 'The Open Door', its title. It costed us $18.95 each. Not bad lah..i think other place sell more expensive? Cost i think now dey hv special offer or smthing? New mah.. Its like gold...uh huh..and very intricate e designs too..love it anyway! haha..today during chi lit hv watch one cartoon movie, The Butterfly Lovers. Its meant to be a chi movie, a legend i think but though hv quite e reasonable amount of chi poetry, i still love it! Okay so alot of ppl think it very drama, always cry. Yes i think its like dat too. And often i cant stand those crying parts..its like i keep saying, 'Get on with it you cry babies!'. But this time, weirdly enough, i find it very very nice and didnt even mind e crying parts A SINGLE BIT! haha..i think its partially because i was literally freezing under e air-con but its jus so beautiful, i even sacrificed some of recess time jus to watch it finish! ooh..super nice..e characters remind me of mulan though..(and a bitsy of inuyasha! dunno why..must be too obsessed with it..) ah..like as if every girl's dream? Maybe. But frankly, e boy's voice sounded kinda like a girl's, if you dun listen properly..haha..one song was very catchy and funny..e one wen introduce e bully.. Hai..some ppl say e movie did not really follow e real story..but its so moving anyway. I saw tingyuan cry! haha..you gotta see it..NICE! (but not as nice as my beloved inuyasha la..hehe..)
LEFT: Fallen RIGHT: The Open Door
lost; blur; hurt was brought to life at 8:08 PM