Sunday, December 31, 2006
boo.haha ok i noe not scary at all de.. eh..yesterday screen keep hving problems so hv to off e com and restart lor.. ): den in e end no time to post this but i overshot 10pm anw haha. [dad not at home..] *whispers* okie..let's get on with wat i wanted to write!oh...yesterday hor, hv cca lor.. *sticks out tongue sulkily* frm 8 till 12.45 leh! aiyo..somemore hv to be there b4 8 and i slept late on fri night bcos i was watching....ANIME! >.< SLAMMED MY CHEEK AGAINST E WHITE METAL THING OUTSIDE E WINDOWS. [you noe, you go behind one of e days and you MUS definitely make sure you walk den dun hit there de..]scratches! yea..on cheek): but that's not e biggest worry lah.its my jaw leh.. hehe but think nothing happened to it, i suppose.. :\ wahlao..this is e THIRD time i walked and bumped into sth lor! first time e othr time i said, walk into e wall at home.e second time ar..NEARLY lah.on 24th i go aunt hse hv lunch, mum side of family all there for christmas(: ya then aft dat e rest of us go shopping centre..and there, i nearly walk into a glass sliding door..hais...ah ha! jus as activity ending hor, i felt like my stomach pain..tot it was e wind cos if i dun eat for long time den will hv de): but got home and instead had.. DIARRHOEA! [checked dictionary for this word hehe.] yea..yesterday went toilet 3 times and today still not okay..went toilet once so far noticed i changed pic?? dudes, that's billy martin! haha.temporary though, i guess.haha unless i find a better pic.. (: [which there'll be loads of awesome pics of him, i'm sure. >.< ] haha.yea and i changed e songs! First song, is e starting song of get backers(: *loves* since episode 1 till friday, e 25TH episode(: but it'll be played again on e last episode as ending song. [i researched!] pretty nice rite? Second song is e SECOND ending song of getbackers(: frm episodes 14 to 25, which means last played on friday too.its not bad too. (: think it's cute(: first one too! haha. lost; blur; hurt was brought to life at 2:41 PM
Thursday, December 28, 2006
yo.haha sry..i noe its kinda weird that i didnt post for CHRISTMAS but i hvn been on e com for three days till yesterday but then yesterday blogger super slow AGAIN and i didnt hv enough time): but hey! i'm here's arn't i? all like ur christmas presents?? i got THREE necklace, THREE pcs of clothing [does towel count?] some cute [but i think kinda..girly i guess hehe.] metal paper clips [those kiap kiap de] and..a book. i still find my last yr birthday cum christmas cum for good results for psle present frm meant e best! haha.walkman leh! whee..can listen to all me cds! :D but this yr..think e present i received frm sis [we usually exchange gifts for christmas, e three of us] is e best.yea, necklace but..its nice(: pretty punk i guess but like for girl de..sweet. i find punk stuff pretty appealing. i love rock!
haha.i think i kinda outdated hor..but i now am so into billy martin!! he's frm good charlotte(: plays guitar.i mean like, he's cute. [you can say hot too.] belinda says she's scared of his hair, makeup and nails, but i think he looks just great in 'em. :D guess what? He's a VEGETARIAN and is active in some animal rights organisation, i guess.his favourite food is peanut butter and bean burritos. so cute eh? haha. hmm..his age i not so sure leh.. i tot he's 27 this yr, bianca says he was 27 last yr and my fren says he's! how confusing..but the thing is..he's still in his 20s! haha. oh ya..he owns this clothing company called LeVel 27. feast ur eyes on some pics of him! not that many though, i can assure you..
shuai hor?
love his eyes.
cool man. hot!
ok this one looks sloppy..but if you hv seen him with long hair last time, i mean, seriously.DO YOU WANNA see it? *mouths N O* he looks funny with long hair, that's all i can say haha.
isn't he just HOT? reminds me a little of someone haha. *drools*
think he looks a little weird without makeup, but he's still cute to meh :D
billy with a doggie(: [funny i think it looks like a kitty..]
love this pic. put it on me messenger dp(:
mascara! haha.
last pic! ta daa..okie.once again, picture time's over! yea i probably be changing my pic on blogskin soon...hell.two days ago i had headache and e next day hv high fever.even now as i sit here typing i'm still burning like hell.and HEADACHE.hope i will feel much better tmr leh..dun wanna tuo e time to meet up with buianca and huier for physics proj..yesterday cant n today huier hv dental appointment..hais.. lost; blur; hurt was brought to life at 9:20 PM
Thursday, December 21, 2006
hey me back! haha breaking benjamin! yea! i'm in love with their music! i mean, yea.quite a lot of their songs super nice ya noe! listen to this song i've put up and hopefully you'll get wat i mean(: haha i purposely didnt use iwebmusic cos i scared ppl dun like leh..haha i think i'm gna put up more of their songs! see hor, at first i watched one of their videos on e song The Diary Of Jane [its nice(: ] on channel5 [its weird why they would put up these there.haha.] and at first i tot, hmm...not bad. then only aft a while i began to like it! and guess wat? i bought their album! uh quite..some time ago le haha.yea.last fri i let bianca listen to two songs and she liked em so much she's gna buy e album too! >.<[umm..e above part was typed yesterday cos no time no finish e rest. haha.was busy finding a suitable pic for me blogskin(: ]ah..i see you all hv seen some changes in me blogskin eh? haha.i've changed me arrows to....purple! well, i think pink would be cuter but purple blends in more with e background, dont cha think so? haha and the pic is.... Kazuki Fuchoin!
i know i know..crazy rite? but KAZUKI! i noe wat you all must be thinking but... he's NOT a girl! sure, with da long hair and e face..but! haha he's not a girl k? okok..i think i'd better do intro first..see you all very confused... all noe my 'obsession' with e anime get backers rite? well kazu's one of e characters.well i still kinda like mido ban(: sure.he's handsome, cool and all...but i think i like kazu better bcos of his...gentleness? haha think so bah.okok i'll put up some pics for you guys! though its not that many...

KAZU! isnt he jus adorable? :D

aww...he's hurt):

i like this. its pretty(: haha think you can see this on me messenger dp too.

lookie! kazu!

Thread Master kazuki! :D

kazu in fight.

kazu and ginji(: haha i think he looks super cool when he was Thunder Emperor last time [ginji]. :D

isnt ginji so cute? haha.its very funny whenever he 'turns' into this cute little guy during most of e funny parts of e anime. (:

this, dudes, is mido ban(:

mido ban(: when his hair is down. haha last time.

ah...dont you think mido ban is jus gorgeous when he's without specs?? *drools*
okie guys..that's e end of picture time for today! haha.u noe hor actually this post was supposed to be put up THREE days ago but there were some problems..first day. computer keep hanging! yea i off e switch jus like dat TWO times leh! wah so scared didnt sign off..and then i typed so much somemore! hais..third time can lah. but dunno why for wat reason cnt put in pic):
second day.blogger EXTREMELY slow.yea dudes.SUPER i gave up.third day.uh..yesterday haha.mum went bonkers so i didnt dare use com..
ah..bianca left for china on e 16..actually, make dat 17.cos her flight was arnd 2 to 3am so technically its e next day am i rite? haha.yea but e point is...i'll not be able to see her online on messenger! *sniff* jus hv to wait till 26 when she comes back..
lost; blur; hurt was brought to life at 9:19 PM
Thursday, December 14, 2006
hey hey! haha sry i hvn been posting ya..well partially cos i'm lazy.. :\ okok but now i'm back! (:ah..jus came back frm church camp! mon to wed, so in other words yesterday come back! ah not bad lah.went to s'pore sports sch and stay.and it costed $100, so of course the meals not bad lah! haha and got goodie bag.. (: but best of all i got to noe more about and spend more time with god! whee..tues night hor, bcos the act like drag on till very late, so i only slept for like, 3 tired and sleepy the next day lor! yea.i can tell you very honestly.i looked like total shit yesterday.but i 'perked' up when it was announced that NorthEast district won da camp olympics! whee..when wanna go back home hor, it was raining so i shared umbrella with huitian(: i brought just in case! haha.and guess wat? the bus stop was so full! imagine the whole lot of us cramped under a small bus stop..yea lucky the next bus that came was a long one.and i guess all of us could squeeze in(: got home, SUPER TIRED.bathed, blah blah and then took dinner.then washed dishes.then retreated to slp.aiya actually wanted to take only a nap loh.til arnd 8.30 there so can use com and then after dat watch ANIME! but when my mum come in to wake me up she didnt MAKE SURE i was awake and out of da bed! so i missed everything i wanted to do later that day): and omg..GET BACKERS!! [i guess i hv to watch on youtube..] ah.woke up arnd almost 3am, angry and all.checked sms.someone hv call me but missed lah.then i replied the ppl back haha. [must be gettin pretty boring..] yea later went back to slp la and woke up 'rnd 8.30 yepp.yah today went to J8 go spread the word of christ to youths! really hope that the kingdom of god would grow(: and of course hoping for breakthrough 1000! yea! haha today actually wanted to put up christmas tree de [i made my bro and dad promise to wait for me to come home] but i dun see anything happen..ah anw..i think i hv learnt more abt god, his power, his love for us, what great things he can do and hv done for us, especially when He sent his one and only Son to die for us..John 3:16 [if i not wrong lah..] i've bcome 'better' is also dat hor, i THINK i've more patience now leh.yesterday siblings very irritating, keep telling each other smthing dun tell me.usually i get very pissed off la but hor i like didnt care leh! haha.ok well mayb its also bcos i was tired dun care abt them.ah then today i jus came back home sis said she dun like me.i was like, so what? i hv god with me! yea!ah ok so..its the end now i! okok..look at the date now..yea..14dec rite? nice date rite? *hinthint* add FIVE more days and you get..hehheh... ITS MY BIRTHDAY ON 19DECEMBER!!! yea! and i'm finally turning 13! woohoo! haha. :D lost; blur; hurt was brought to life at 4:46 PM
Thursday, December 07, 2006
whao.i just watched V For Vendetta!! yepp.and its AWESOME! serious.its like, a plan so perfectly planned out! ok so i don't exactly noe if it is even rated, but who cares? a great movie ought to not be missed out! haha you shuld watch it not be freaked out by the mask the guy [V] wears though.just sit back and relax in a dark room.well ok so there was some disturbance *raises eyebrow at the last word*.and the room wasn't exactly That dark.i'm at someone else's house, to celebrate a birthday party.but if i say its awesome even with these 'interuptions', i'm sure you'll find it just great( a week or so i watched the movie Constatine [i do hope i've spelled it correctly]. it was a great movie too! ok i can't compare now since i watched it considerably quite some time ago.but man! its nice too! [well i think this must be rated too] i watched it in my cousin's hse(: haha guess wat? in that movie, it is stated that [but i think its fake] there is a Bible in Hell.yea, highly impossible, as wat i believe.the guy, acted by Keanu Reeves [i like his name! unique, dont cha think so?] is like someone who sents those spirits frm hell that hv 'possesed' others back to where they came frm, hell.yepp its something like..supernatural! but i forgot the guy's name [character] sry..its nice, i tell ya! watch it.haha.ah i shall continue frm where i've let off yesterday, shall i not? ok i noe i sound very umm...chim? yea hehe sorry i'm in the mood of talking like this aft watching V For Vendetta..ok! ah meh specs! well i guess i've gotten used to it le(: except it keeps sliding off my nose): [it happens with the previous pair too..] oh, did i mention that my specs costed 140BUCKS? and it is discounted frm an offer that was up! Piishh! my bro went to make his the same day as me but his specs costed..160BUCKS!! bamm! well, its bcos the frame's made of platinum, which wun corrode so easily..but its so ex! ah.yesterday my sis went to check her eyesight too as i went to collect mine.well, her degree went down too.shocking.i mean, how often do you come across someone who wears specs and don't rest his eyes, like as the suggested 5min break aft 30-40min of close work? i, for one, does NOT do all these stuff.hehheh, but its better aint it? (:haha ok i'll be off to dinner now! [oh, did i mention the time on my blog, stating wat time i hv posted, is half an hour behind time? haha yea, i think i'll go change..if possible lah.] haha. lost; blur; hurt was brought to life at 6:58 PM
Wednesday, December 06, 2006
boom baby. i'm back! [make that sunday early aftn] yepp and as promised i'll tell ya all abt da trip! but sry it wun be long cos i'm not that all excited le):ah well huier said A'Famosa, melaka, is very fun [there's where i went!].i'm not blaming her or anything but...its so far away frm dat! i mean, LOOK AT THE PRICE OF THINGS THERE. they sure can kill you i tell ya! i'm mostly refering to da wat Cowboy Town.ok the games seem fun but..its so ex! the..wad wad paintball or smthing, i cant rmb, cost arnd 35RM PER PERSON. THIRTY FIVE BUCKAROOS! yea and if get wad 'package', its 55RM. siao ar!Not only that.Go Kart or smthing costs 50RM PER PERSON!! stupid!! so watta do? guess we shal just hv to do with da 4D movie.but then.BUT THEN.its in da stupid stinking cheaterbug Cowboy Town, so you hv to pay for e entrance [the ENTRANCE.], which would cost, lets see..35, 40RM? yepp.AND.its not including the price of the movie! arghh!so sian lohr.but lucky da motel [i think.but its like a hse, escept without stove..] movies! hehheh think now they hv sm sorta 'Bond Marathon', ya noe..james bond movies? yepp.ah they like repeat leh, one movie.but who cares? me and sis we two are NEVER able to watch finish just ONE bond movie! its like, everytime got smthing interupt de.tao yan! rahh!anw, anw.lets forget abt that..while travelling to and fro frm shopping mall one of e days [wat else to do? go look look lah! haha.] in meh mum's car [drove to m'sia] and guess wat?? I SAW THE THIRD RAINBOW IN MY ENTIRE LIFE! WOOHOO! hehheh.ok i might be overeacting..ah..speckeh! well 2 days b4 e trip to melaka, i went to check eyesight.yepp change in degree! but since cnt decide on which frame to change, tot da next day can make up mind we went sunplaza on thurs.but my mum caught sight of anth specs shop dat is hving an offer or smthing, so we looked! hehheh.once again, couldnt decide. den on mon, we went there again [i hv chosen liao haha] and tha lady checked my eyesight again. and.. MY EYESIGHT HV DECREASED!! WHOOT! hehheh i so happy! yea, and so i chose a black n blue frame, smthing simple(:ah damn messenger!!!!! !#$%^&*!!! i uninstalled and reinstalled it again, but hell! it won't work! sm connection problem..ah approaching 10pm! next time![to be continued...]
lost; blur; hurt was brought to life at 9:24 PM