Tuesday, May 29, 2007
Jadon's favourite song- Ben Cao Gang Mu; Jay ChouVideo- Starfuckers Inc. ; Nine Inch Nailssry, no post... lost; blur; hurt was brought to life at 2:10 PM
Tuesday, May 22, 2007
“treasure all your loved ones, for anytime you may lose them”. common saying. Hard to believe, it happened to me today. That’s right. My cousin Jadon lost his life to a truck accident. And I’m sad. Everyone’s sad. Everyone’s grieving. Especially his family. Uncle Chin Soon, yi yi Helen and 哥哥 daryl, I really don’t know what to say. I really don’t know what to do to make you all feel better.
I regret. I regret not spending enough time with Jadon. I regret not getting to know him more. I regret not talking to him that much. I regret.
It is a terrible loss. He was just a mere Primary Three student. A rather bright student, I suppose. A pleasant child. And to think we called him mummy’s boy, cause he’d sometimes whine. But he is kind of independent, as compared to my brother. And my brother actually ended up quarrelling with Jadon the last time they met. Does he feel remorse? I don’t know.
When I first heard the news, I too, like my sister, had at first thought it was a joke. Until I saw tears pricking at her eyes. Shock. Plain shock. It was just so sudden. So sudden I couldn’t accept it at first. Then I thought of Jadon, the last time I saw him. The last time I would ever hear his voice. The last time I would ever see him again.
Tears pricked at my eyes, and like rain, they started to fall. No words can describe this sadness I’m feeling right now. No amount of praying or crying will bring Jadon back, sadly. But I pray for Jadon, that he will be with the Lord. That he will be with Jesus Christ. That he will walk hand in hand with God.
I guess I should be the one who leaves this world, and not him. I asked God why him and not me, when I’m already ready to go. Why him, a young boy of age 8? He do NOT deserve to die. He do NOT deserve to taken away from his family and other loved ones. I do. I’ve got no future. He has. And a very bright one too.
I think I can’t and do not know what it is like to love someone anymore. To even start with a friend is just so hard. I think I do not know what love is anymore. After she walked away to her new circle of friends quite some time ago. I feel I’ve lost all purpose of life. That special friend I gave my heart to, but was broken and is still not mended. And therefore, I feel that I should have been the one gone. No one would miss me like they do Jadon now. I know I’m not worth. He is.
And here’s a song, my blog song, for Jadon.
Leave Out All The Rest
I dreamed I was missing
You were so scared
But no one would listen
Cause no one else cared
After my dreaming
I woke with this fear
What am I leaving
When I’m done here
So if you’re asking me
I want you to know
When my time comes
Forget the wrong that I’ve done
Help me leave behind some
Reasons to be missed
Don’t resent me
And when you’re feeling empty
Keep me in your memory
Leave out all the rest
Leave out all the rest
Don’t be afraid
I’ve taken my beating
I’ve shared what I’ve made
I’m strong on the surface
Not all the way through
I’ve never been perfect
But neither have you
So if you’re asking me
I want you to know
Forgetting all the hurt inside you learned to hide so well
Pretending someone else can come and save me from myself
I can’t be who you are
[[ Linkin Park writes nice and really meaningful lyrics. (: ]]
lost; blur; hurt was brought to life at 11:05 PM
Monday, May 21, 2007
well guys, today is surely a BADD day for me. unlucky, if you say so.MATHS TRAIL DAY 1: sianz. i mean, i simply cannot facilitate. and then the grp me and xinhui are supposed to facilitate, G4, keep running to keep up with the ones in front. cos they walked slow. EVEN WORSE. they kept on splitting up lohr. me and xinhui had a hard time for those two probs.. >.<UNLUCKY #1: today have blocked nose AND EARS. so pardon me cos i'm abit e deaf today and yesterday >.<UNLUCKY #2: before trail started, i waved to bianca and said hello from a distance of only 30 CENTIMETRES or so, but she didnt even look at me or said hello back. said hello again, louder this time. nope, no response again. sad. UNLUCKY #3: lunch. as i got into my seat, my right hand accdentally landed on the handle of the fork on my plate that was sticking out and it FLUNG out, talking a piece of curry chicken and some rice plus curry gravy with it, STAINING my PE SHIRT, PINAFORE, and omg.. MY BAG! gosh i'm so damn sad man! my precious bag and e othr stuff stained... *sniff* LUCKY i was kinda tired at that time ah. if not i would 爆炸 by then ah. you should know how bad-tempered i can be. but then i didnt wna waste energy again.. lazy! :Dso..whatta do with my clothes? well i thought going home by public transport with my stained sleeve [its very obvious. very, i tell you.] was not going to be nice. so i asked cheryl how, and she suggested i go home wearing her jacket. i said okay, and decided to wear pe shirt and shorts with e jacket, no pinafore, sleeve rolled up to my elbow there.BIG MISTAKE. regret man! i mean, immediately when i stepped out of the room, i knew i was not going to have an easy time. The sun was SMILING DOWN on Singapore, man. By the time i walked to the canteen from class hor, i already felt i was a roasted chicken. So i bought ice! [nope, not apple ice cos its outta stock): some orange-coloured ice which sorta tastes like its colour xD] MISSED THE BUS. but then, i decided again, not to be angry, but save the energy for keeping myself cool in this hot weather wearing a jacket. reached mrt station nearest to my home, STILL have to walk home for abt 10-15 mins... Needless to say, i sweated like a pig [umm, maybe not tt literal.. -.-"]. i mean, JACKET leh! i'm sure everyone was staring at me thinking, what on earth is she wearing a jacket on such a hot day?! siao ah! hais. so much for tring to hide some stupid curry stain(s). lost; blur; hurt was brought to life at 9:27 PM
Sunday, May 20, 2007
yesterday... i got LINKIN PARK's album MINUTES TO MIDNIGHT! xDDwhee...hehe i got it from Popular, cos its cheaper than in HMV or in Sembawang... $17.95! It came with a poster too! Poster got both sides de(: one is e album cover page, and the other side is got e member's upclose pic.i went with my dad cos before that we went to take e passport-sized photos for e stupid chinese course. 8 BUCKS! wahseh... my heart pain leh! from my own pocket... for 6 pics only... PLUS i look damn ugly lor... hais.my dad ah... guess what? he was quite EXCITED when he accompanied my to purchase e album.. you noe hor, he OFFERED to carry my poster as we walked home, claimed he COULDN'T WAIT to see my poster (it was rolled up) and tried to open but i tell him go home then see... HOME: just as we stepped into the hse, he COUDN'T RESIST anymore.. and took out e rubber band.. He even helped me to paste e poster on my bedroom wall! xDhe couldn't wait to hear e cd also, an got e cd player ALL READY. so..i played it(: hahas, its abit funny when you see your own dad react like this, esp a 42 year-old.. and it makes you HAPPY(: too.its quite okay, actually... i think its partially bcos first time hear only mah(: i think i sorta like e third track of each albums i hv.. like for this album, my FAVOURITE song is 'Leave Out All The Rest' ... super nice song man! [ though its not a single, it is played during the Prison Break 2 trailer for this coming thurs's episode(: ] put it as my blog song!(: lost; blur; hurt was brought to life at 5:47 PM
Thursday, May 17, 2007
okays. i know my life's pretty messed up. I am pretty messed up myself. My family, friends and myself. They all are affecting me to come to this state of having such loneliness and sadness in me.
mom and dad not on good terms, hard to talk nicely, really. Dun really have friends. Me not daring to speak up/out.
Monday-- got sore eyes. scared it was tt my blood vessel had broke. Luckily jialing had eyedrop and my eyes was better aft awhile..so its OKAY! :D
Tuesday-- HORRIBLE ms susan lim encounter. but she turned out to be quite nice actually. WHEN YOU TALK TO HER. i guess i've lost ALOT FACE. heck. let e ppl think what they want. Her b'day: two days ago. [sorry i didnt wish her! >.<]
lost; blur; hurt was brought to life at 9:27 PM
Friday, May 11, 2007
today is SAD. today is ms goh san's LAST DAY in school... till most probably NEXT YEAR! gaHh.... ARGH!! *sniff* so sad! )':
she says she gots some sickness, and she'll hv to be in the hospital and under treatment for MONTHS. and that she'll not be able to come back to school for the rest of the year...i'm not sure what illness she has exactly, but it sounds REALLY serious. She says she'll tell us when she's ready to...and when she'll be ready for visitors too.
but by then she'll most likely be unable to teach us english again!!!!
i'm really sad she's not going to teach us le... she's so nice, probably the NICEST ENGLISH TEACHER i've ever had... But then dunno why my tears just REFUSED to come out! pfft. >.<
i felt very guilty when almost everyone was crying their eyes out as ms goh broke the painful news to us... wish i had paid more attention during her class and did better for macbeth and english!
but for now, we can only sms her or email her. LET'S ENTERTAIN HER! ;D hahas.. well i'll definitely keep praying for her as often as i can. God is good, all the time. Amen!
2JUSTICE'07 ~LOVE~ YOU MS.GOH! we'll miss you greatly! >.<
[[ hope don't get a sucky teacher like nath and martin. ]]
lost; blur; hurt was brought to life at 6:04 PM
Thursday, May 10, 2007
today is BRAIDS DAY. hahas. dunno why today after recess, almost half of the class ended up having their hair tied into braids, giving the 'excuse' that we are supporting Beverley for the speech. CHERYL WORKS WONDERS! :D hahas, she tied everybody's braids lehs!
well, me, natalie, alison, jiaxin and jordana had two little braids cos our hair were too short >.< i dunno, think it made me look toot-toot hehe.but i still very happy cheryl tied braids for me(: i mean, braids are simply just PRETTEH.
oh yars, Beverley WON FIRST PLACE for the speech thingy today!! :DD i very happy! hehe, and i'm pretty glad loyalty didnt win first too(: but then i heard from huier, whom heard from amelia that their scores were very close..only HALF mark difference! whee...screamed my lungs out when they announced Beverley as the winner...at sore throat now heh... :\
[[ still can't change colour of my posts! watthehell. ]]
lost; blur; hurt was brought to life at 10:33 PM
Wednesday, May 09, 2007
okays.i've decided. should i be lesbian or even bisexual, i don't care le, so long as i'm happy(: i won't care whether people don't approve or not. It is MY life, and not theirs. But then again, i think i'm straight! :D
dunno lah. i think i shouldnt think much about these stuff. but i also not hehe. Its just..i'm extremely tired these days and i'm not keen on getting into a relationship any sooner. NOT A SINGLE BIT.
if you were to notice or observe me as i walk home, or go out of my house, i would present myself as either 'sloppy' or 'tired'. As in you would notice things about me like:
(1) my specs would droop down my nose a little but i take awhile before i push them up again,
(2) my eyes would be 3/4 close,
(3) my eyes would hv e blur-blur look, looking down,
(4) i would try to look away from any cute guy or anyone else and instead focus on another non-living thing,
(5) i would not really smile.
All these to show that i am not interested.uninterested. Because i really and truly ain't.
Besides, now i've got TWO frustrations-- MATHS and CHINESE.
i HaTE expansion and factorisation! i mean, i don't get it AT ALL. and i get so worked up over one question i don't know how to do. rahh.
CHINeSe ah.surely die one lah.the 公函 everybody get so high marks and me leh, 11. pffft.didnt include time, date and details of what's gonna happen. ):
new stuff up on my blog!
- [[ i hate everything about you- THREEdaysGRACE ]]
love this song man! i mean, when i first heard it, i FELL IN LOVE with it.
i love angry songs(:
- [[ all about us- t.A.T.u. ]]
for joey, who likes this music video better than ya soshla s uma, hahas. and of course for everybody else too! ;D
dun worry ppl. this music video has NO kissing or whatsoever(: or maybe abit 'disgusting'... if you see it my way.
lost; blur; hurt was brought to life at 10:20 PM
Friday, May 04, 2007
today's 2.4km was great! yeah finally can get A!! Very happy with this year's NAPFA test! all 'A's! whee... ^^
hahas.okay.yesterday i went to watch t.A.T.u.'s music video " Ya Soshla S Uma" [ All The Things She Said ] on youtube... it is like sth abt lesbians de i think. lena and yulia got kiss in e music vd. BUT don't get me wrong! it's not like i don't like it or sth. in fact, i love it. i don't noe lah..but when i saw them kiss hor, i inside my mind was like, WOW. and they're only 14 [yulia]and 15 [lena] at that time.i think Yulia is SUPER cute in the video :D but lena is like..uhms..shit? i dno la but when i first watched e music vd rite, Yulia remind me alot of my cute cute a.j. from America's Next Top Model 7 ^^ here's a pic of meh a.j. ...
she's so pretty! and in the show, when she talks, i just can't help but notice that her nose makes her look even cuter.. >.<I've put up the music video at e bottom of my blog...so you all can see it if you want(: but like i've said before, got two girls kissing... (:[[ i DUN WANNA BE LESBIAN! ]]
lost; blur; hurt was brought to life at 9:47 PM
Thursday, May 03, 2007
guess what? today as my mum's car was turining out to e main road, i saw a car coming out on the opposite side.what's so 'special' abt it? well i saw e driver was this woman, and i thought she looked like a girl from FINAL FANTASY. think she looks sth like this...
[well, e lady's hair was light brown instead...]but then..seriously lehs! she really looked like e girl in e pic.. >.<>
argh.yesterday's science test and today's history test was HORRID. yepp you got that right. TERRIBLE. aiya surely get super low marks de lahs.. ): dno why this year my science all so sucky de..hais.
OH YAH! yesterday also have the SPEECH! damn disaster lohrs..i mean, i was e last to speak before recess and..EVERYONE could tell that i was super nervous lahs.... and i actually spoke..around TWENTY seconds faster than when i timed myself at home.. >.<
cheryl so cute! e bing-bang-pow or sth like that^^ ...the donald duck and mickey mouse too! xD hahas...
[[today finally went recess tgth with bianca they all(: FINALLY. yay~ ]]
lost; blur; hurt was brought to life at 8:16 PM
Tuesday, May 01, 2007
I so happy! ^^ hahas, yesterday i like very lucky! ((:
FIRST- this time round my chinese paper i gots 31 and half marks! WHEE~ i didn't fail! and what's more...its almost TWICE my previous test's score! xDD hehe but then i guess i threw away 10 and half marks anw..hais..
SECOND- as i was walking back from 2truth after carrying wanglaoshi's laptop there, i saw that e THIRD CLASS DRILLS test results was up... i PASSED! YAY~ didn't know how, but i just did anyway ><
THIRD- yesterday we were supposed to present our indian culture project and my grp still was not done. THANK GOODNESS the previous two grps took quite long and by then sch was over! *RELIEVED!* ~ rehearsed skit yesterday again.. (:
FOURTH- yesterday had NAPFA 5 stations and i was quite worried. but then i actually did A LOT BETTER than expected! X) HOORAY~ hehheh..dno how de but last year gots work very hard den get only 'okay' results. but this year didn't practice or what AT ALL and still can do better den last year..hehe..MIRACLE!
yepp! it really was a lucky day for meh! i went home, exhausted to e bone hehe.. THANK GOD FOR everything~
[[worries]] : tmr's science common test, indian culture presentation and speech... )):
lost; blur; hurt was brought to life at 3:18 PM