OH YA.. FOREVER by PAPAROACH! [haha.discovered e band early last month((: ]
er..sry this is like, very the late..but i couldn't get to post on tt day..here goes(:
cheryl tried tying one braid for the whole head! But because my hair was pretty layered, it ended up kinda messy.. >.<
cheryl then tied TWO braids for meh! haha.she tie until very tight [ouch.] but alot of ppl say it's very nice((:
the normal ponytail.

the braids.
after i took them out. MESSEH! xD
today we stayed back after school to finish up the biology practicals. wahlao Dawn Lim came late and in the end, we had to leave later, and in the end i also missed CAREGROUP!!! GaHh.
while waiting for the rest of the class to finish the experiments, i felt bored and decided to test paper for presence of starch. so i asked geraldine for a piece of paper [she tore a small strip from her handbook] and i started spraying a little iodine on it. Geraldine seemed interested and sprayed a little too. I wetted the paper and sprayed EVEN MORE and wala! a nice work of art! :DD
stuck the Work Of Art onto a hose of the tap. [oopsie.didn't mean to take pic of da ppl in da backgrnd >.< (from left)- Beverley, Jialing and Amanda.] pretty cool, huh?
the school had this "Eat Fruits and Vegetables Week".they gave us this packet of fresh vegetables [which my neighbour helped my family to fry with soy sauce.it tasted GOOD! :D] Well in addition, if you buy a meal got vege inside de frm e canteen, e stall owners wuld get this coupon to show tt you've eaten either vege or fruits and you're supposed to give to the monitors so can collate for the whole cohort. Well i bought Yi1 Mian4, and was lucky enough to get one of the few ORIGINAL cards! :DD the rest are photocopied de. [bcos not enough originals hehe.]
front. cute apple & tomato! [sharon MUST see this, haha.]

the back. i love red apples. <3>
today i woke up and felt that my throat was kinda pain and feared that i would get fever today. Well sadly, it came thru. somemore it was RAINING lohr. and my classroom got aircon! so
imagine-- a sick girl of 37.7 degress celcius, directly under where the aircon is blowing freezing-cold air, shivering in the thin jacket which provided me with not much warmth. THEN, i hv to outside of the classroom where it is almost equally as cold, as the heavy rain refuses to go away. As i tried to fight my way through the strong winds, i had only cheryl to support me. There was nothing else i could cling on to....
the first three sentences were correct and the other 2.. -.-" yeah, well it was super the duper cold, k! Belinda also was slightly feverish..
today i woke up and my fever was gone! WHEE~ did not take ANY medicine last night tho..cos i conked out le, hehe.
OH! today i forgot to bring my specs hook. so how? dun wanna get scolded by ma'ams lah. HERE COMES THE INGENIOUS [me]. i used..SCOTCH TAPE! :D
-i made one strip of scotchtape bundle (small, arnd the length of specs hook) and stuck it to my specs with s'more scotchtape. hee. Desperate Times call for Desperate Measures!
here's the thing... ma'am didn't even notice it was scotchtape! haha. Li Xin said it wasn't that obvious and that it actually looked like a real specs hook. HOORAY! ((: